Pleased to Meet You

Thank you so much for reading my blog! It really amazes me that you have stopped by here.

My name is Kate. I live in Iowa on the Mississippi River.

new bridge dav


















Writing is, for me, much like singing: when I’m done I feel like I’ve gone somewhere that connects me to something much more mysterious and far more gentle than the drone of one day to the next.

A few years ago I started blogging as a way of keeping a public journal that would force me to reflect on where God was showing up, or not showing up in my life. To be honest – it was all about me…

This blog started as an effort to write with more intention, and with a more focused topic: God’s Grace. When I started writing here, I was very unsure and sad. We had just moved and I was feeling a loss. My hope was to work even harder to find evidence of God in that which is very, very ordinary. What I found was a reason to get up in the morning that beckoned me beyond the duties of my days.

In the end…what I have found is scary: a renewed sense of joy.

I met and befriended a Deaf child, made friends with some sign language interpreters and decided to enroll in a Sign Language Interpreter program with hopes to become certified some time around my 50th birthday.

Just when I had officially fallen back in love with a language and felt that all the puzzle pieces were falling together, I found out that I too have some hearing loss. On the surface – sounds like no big deal – yet could actually become a very big deal with my new career. Or not a big deal at all. Or, perhaps, an advantage. We shall see – but, the point is that I have fallen love with this language in a very meaningful way and silent conversation has become a very, very happy place for me. I don’t intend to stray with my effort to become a Super Atomic ASL Ninja. Or something close to that….

I’m guessing that you can relate that my days drown in the ordinary: the laundry piles, the children squabble, the groceries do not equal a meal, the news repeats itself, old age looms ahead, grief never goes away, and my coffee is cold. Again. So – your ordinary life and what I write could very possibly relate. Or not. And that’s okay.

But my mother always said: “Attention must be paid Katherine.”

That’s where she found her first and final peace…feel free to read along as I ramble my way through it all.

Peace, Kate


38 thoughts on “Pleased to Meet You

  1. Lovely theme for a blog. God’s Grace is all around us. Yesterday I jokingly (?) said, “What if I am just imagining all of this? What if it is all coincidences, superstition, wishful thinking? And, yes, You have showed me many times, but here I am again. Feeling a big ashamed, but could you do it again, please?” And, sure enough, another “surprise” came soon after. But why was I surprised as this has been happening constantly for a very long time. God’s Grace is in the most ordinary and non-ordinary parts of our lives. Thanks you for this lovely blog. I will be back. hugs, pat

    • Thanks for such a nice note Pat. I do hope you come back again and maybe even leave more comments! I to am glad to have found your blog this morning. I look forward to reading more, and appreciate your support and readership. Thanks! Kate

  2. My favorite prayer is this … Thank You!
    Thanks for this pile of laundry, for these various personalities, for potatoes, onions and eggs (the ingredients to feed thousands!), for aches and pains, for sunshine, for rain!

    Love your blog, so Thank You!

  3. I’m much more pleased to see you… you made me realize, how blessed I am to have my mother with me.. to guide me, to calm me, to love and care… your grief and remembrance made me swear that I’ll no more take her for granted.. Thanks a lot
    #I’m touched
    Priyanka 🙂

    • Thank you for your kind words Priyanka! I appreciate you reading my blog and am glad to have you stop by. I’m glad that you have your mom there to take care of you and for you to take care of her. Thanks again, Kate

  4. Stopped by and enjoyed the pictures. I’ve been to a few Quad City River Bandit games down your way and love the stadium view of the Mississippi. God bless you as you share His grace.

    • T.Neal – We love it here in the Quad Cities, but are still brand new to the area. We’ve only been here for nine months. Our youngest son is taking his hand at baseball, so it looks like the Bandits are on the calendar for the summer for sure! Sounds relaxing. We moved from the Ohio River (near Cincinnati) , so the beautiful bridges were the first thing that made me feel at home.

  5. All I have to say is I felt like I was reading my own life as read this page. I just started blogging in November because I love to write…and to keep in touch with my cousin who also loves to write. Our styles are very different…but so are we. I love to sing and my husband would say that’s all I do. I have four boys and live in Georgia. God is faithful and works in His own creative and often humorous way in my family’s life. I look forward to reading more of your journey.
    Peach State

    • Thank you so much for your comments and compliments Peach State! Did we meet by way of the muppet conversation on the 80’s blog? That wonderful conversation that I don’t have time for, but could stay with all day?

      I’m having some vision issues of late, and look forward to catching up on some rest and reading your blog also!

      Much peace to you and yours! Kate

  6. Hi Kate…I love the sign language photo challenge that you’re doing! Super cool 🙂 I just wanted to let you know that I Guten-tagged you. Read my Good Morning to You post and play along if you wish. Cheers!!

    • mzklever – I’ve never been guten-tagged before, what is it? sounds like a friendly game that could be just what this German mom could use in the very stressful week ahead.

      Thanks for stopping by! We bob on over to your spot and check it out as a break in the action later on today I hope!

  7. What an eloquently written introduction this really is ! Glad that I dropped here 🙂
    Will be around for sure 🙂

  8. Hi,
    I have just sent over a join request which should (in theory) allow you to do a guest post. I will look forward to what you have for me. Have a great day.

  9. Everything is grace, even the laundry, questionable dinner menu, squabbling children, cold coffee (or tea in my case). Everything is grace because in the everyday, ordinary, mundane events of our life, we learn that we are completely and absolutely dependent on God. Nice theme for a blog, Katherine.

    • thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment…yes, agreed. All is grace, it takes effort though to recognize the sweetnes…speaking just for myself. Take good care, and thanks again for reading and commenting! ~ Kate

      • Thank you, Kate. Now that Hurricane Sandy is coming, I hope you are still sfae and sound. Many blessings and much love to you. 🙂

        Subhan Zein

      • I am very much so Subhan – thank you! I live in Iowa, which does get bad weather, but this time is not. We are in the very center of the country. All of my family is accounted for and today I will find out how much damage they dealt with last night, and how long they will be without power. Two are on the eastern shore, and the rest inland a state or two further, and getting rain, snow and wind. Your concern is sweet. Thanks, Kate

  10. I believe I’ve just found myself a new blog to follow 🙂 what a wonderful idea – actively looking for God to show up … which we all know He does, regularly, but we’re not always watching and waiting for Him when He does … so we miss Him and think He failed to show. Looking forward to waiting and watching with you ! Ordinary grace … what a wondrous concept !

    • Sandra, your gracious comment made my day yesterday! I think you are the first person to “get” my blog title, or is it that I’m frustrated at not having time to finish the page I started that does just that? Did you notice that the header art is a train? Agreed that watching and waiting is what I’m trying to encourage, in myself more than anyone. It was my first nature as a little girl…just hanging out and watching the world go by. As a modern mom, wife and now a city dweller? eeks. Not so much. Thanks again. I feel encouraged to carve out more time to write. Have a restful weekend. ~Kate

  11. Hello Kate,

    I hope it is not too late to wish you a wonderful New Year. May 2013 bring you more happiness, love, and success. I would like to thank you because you continue following my blog. I hope my blog posts do not disappoint and that your visits in there have been a joyful ride.

    My subscription went messed up, and now I am resubscribing, looking forward to reading more of your posts! Thank you again, many blessings and much love to you. 🙂

    Subhan Zein

    • Subhan, Your comments here are so welcome and sweet. My only disappointment in your writing is that life has become so hectic in 2012 that I lost touch with how much reading and writing here keeps me on solid ground. Getting back to both things is, perhaps, my greatest new year’s wish. With Peace, Kate

      • Kate, talking about 2012, it is actually the worst year in my life. Never had I hit the rock bottom except in that year. A family tragedy, a dismal relationship breakup, and add to those some problems with my studies, then an image of 2012 with its dark face conjures itself. But 2012 is also a year in which I learn a lot through blogging in order to build up my confidence with my writing and meeting a lot of great people-including you, so this one thing that I am most thankful.

        Hope 2013 gives you another light, Kate, the one that perpetually shines in your heart, and you can make it a much better year. Many blessings and much love to you.. 🙂

        Subhan Zein

  12. Hi there! Love your post. I just starting blogging and I’ve really enjoyed it so far. I agree with you that we have to work on finding God’s presence in everything. Thank you for writing and I look forward to your next post! ~Then She Knew

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